
Learning and working with the Community

Community education needs an understanding  about the community as a prerequisite. Therefore, certain basics to deal with the community are discussed here  for  the benefit of community educators. Initially it is necessary for community workers to learn about what the community consists of? This unit provides a knowledge about the community and presents few guidelines as to how to develop good relationships with people in the community and skills to work with  them. Once these skills are obtained by the community workers, the further task of analysing problems of the community and developing a plan of action and evaluating the same is possible and easy. For these tasks of the  community  worker, important  information  is detailed. Thus, this Unit provides enough background to the community workers for making their tasks easier in the field. 


After studying this  unit, you will be able to: 
  • discuss how to develop good relations with people in the  community 
  • explain how  to help people in the  community organize themselves in  order to solve problems 
  • describe how to cooperate with other community workers in the  community 
  • identify sources of information about the community, and 
  • discuss how to help the community recognize chief nutrition and health  problems and causative factors responsible 

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