
Information-Centred Method

The main objective of information-centred  method is the provision of information. This should ensure assuring that knowledge leads to change in attitude and practices. Lecture, discussion and  variations of them are some of the examples of information-centred methods.  These methods  involve one way communication. Each one has got its own merit and demerits. Wherever the information needs to be emphasized. the lecture methods needs to be selected. This is more appropriate to either to the group which is completely ignorant about  the message to be given or to a group used to this kind of instruction. The  following sub-section presents a discussion on lecture and discussion method. 

Lecture Method 

Experience and educational research show that  the lecture is a relatively inefficient method of communication to transfer knowledge. Still many instructors/teachers will be lecturing mostly. Why? 

A certain amount of informal lecturing is inherent in the conduct of any course, to see out the course objectives, motivate trainees, provide explanation and analysis relevant to study exercises. 

Nevertheless, the lecture method has its own limitation. The method: 
  • does not demand the active involvement  of learners 
  • is unsuited to the teaching of skills which require practice 
  • is not appropriate to promote changes in  attitudes 
  • does not convince people since emphasis is mostly on talking 
  • does not elicit feedback unless the instructor is very sensitive. 
Since the lecture method is mostly treated as one-way communication, several disadvantages are experienced. However, since the  lecture is an important information-centred methods it cannot be avoided inspite of its limitations. It can be improved by following certain cues.  

Cues to improve the instructional value of  lecture 
  1. Study the  nature of audience. 
  2. Adopt the topic to their interests and level of understanding. 
  3. Organize the  material for effective presentation. 
  4. Use aids at appropriate times. 
  5. Plan for variation in  the presentation, for example, lectures cum discussion or demonstration, illustrative  lectures. 
  6. Spare some  time  for questioning. 
  7. Get a feed back from the learners.
After a brief study of the lecture method we move on to the discussion method. 

Discussion Method 

Discussion  is an organized conversation. It can happen in groups.  It is thoughtful consideration  of the relationships involved in a topic or problem  studied by a group, through organized conversation. The relationships are analysed, compared, evaluated and conclusions are drawn. Discussion can be used at all stages of teaching. depending upon the topic, nature, size and arrangement of the group and the time at one's disposal for discussion. There are various forms of discussion: 
  1. Group discussion 
  2. Circular discussion 
  3. Panel discussion 
  4. Buzz session 
  5. Symposium 
  6. Seminar 
  7. Debate 
  8. Forum 
  9. Committee
  10. Workshop 

What is the purpose of discussion? 

The discussion helps to: 
  • locate problems of interest and of significance 
  • define and  clarify the nature and extent of the problems 
  • get the best possible solutions 
  • get  acquainted with other people and share ideas  with them 
  • get new ideas and insights which will  help to solve both common, personal problems 
  • learn something about working together in groups so that we can benefit from the experiences and contributions of all. 

How to conduct a discussion? 

In Informal group discussions, the members of  the group act as members of a family and analyse the matters and problems-that have come up for discussion. In the formal type, the group is organised for discussion with a leader, participants, consultants, resource persons, recorder(s) and reporter(s). The group leader selected, elected or nominated takes up the responsibility for initiating, maintaining the  tempo  and managing  the discussion. The reporter  maintains record of the points made by different participants and prepares a summary and suggests future action based on the proceedings of the discussion. 

How to make discussion successful? 

Leadership and participation are the two essential characteristics of a discussion to make it  successful. Let us learn about each of these characteristics separately. 

1)  Leadership-Leader  must help: 
  • the members of the group to get acquainted with each other 
  • all the members feel that their  opinions and thoughts are very important 
  • the timid members feel confident and feel active. 

2)  Participation-The members should: 
  • listen to  what others say 
  • ask questions to bring out points that are not clear 
  • share facts, contribute to the subject and ask for facts 
  • respect each other realizing each one's capabilities 
  • give due credit for good work and express appreciations where deserved. 

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