

Measles is a viral disease which generally attacks children, around one year of age.  It is one of the important and common childhood infections. Measles is endemic in most of the countries of the world. In India, every year about 14 million children suffer from measles. It is estimated that 20,000 children die every year in our country due to complications from measles. 

The Disease--What causes it? Who  gets it? How and when does it spread? 

What causes measles? 

The disease is caused by the  measles  virus. Viruses you know are microorganisms which can be seen only through sophisticated microscope. 

Who gets the disease? 

Age : The disease is common in childhood. Most of the children have an attack of measles by the time they complete the age of 3 years. In about a third of all cases with measles, it occurs under the age of one  year. 

Socio-Economic Factors : Measles is particularly severe amongst poor communities. Of many adverse influences of poor socio-economic status on child, poor nutrition, both  before and during the attack of measles, plays a major part in the  severity and outcome of the infection. Epidemics tend to occur at 2 to 4 year intervals in crowded large cities, particularly in the urban slum areas. In conditions of poor environment, children get measles at an earlier age. In middle  income families, it occurs later around the school age. 

Sex : Incidence of measles is equal among both  the sexes. 

Seasons : The disease is more prevalent in  winter. 

How does it Spread? 

It is spread  through droplets (either during coughing or sneezing) or direct contact with secretions from nose or throat or urine of persons infected with measles. It is one of the most readily transmissible of the communicable diseases. Articles recently contaminated with saliva or nasal discharges may also convey infection. An attack of measles in the  cause of pregnant women may lead  to abortion. 

Incubation period : The disease takes, on an average, about 10 days varying from 8 to 13 days, to occur from the time of exposure to a patient with measles to the onset of fever. The skin rash appears about 14 days after exposure to  an infected child. 

Period of communicability : The disease is communicable from the  beginning of onset of fever to 4-6 days after appearance of the skin rash. Measles is very infections and about 90 per cent of susceptible family members coming in contact with the patient (family contacts) acquire the disease. In other words, other children, who had not  got measles earlier, in the household of the patient are likely to catch the disease. 

Susceptibility : Practically all persons are susceptible. After an attack, a person usually acquires permanent immunity. In otherwords, an individual suffers from measles only once in life time.  Infants born of mothers who have had the disease are ordinarily immune (i.e. do not develop the disease) for approximately the first 6 months of life. 

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